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Radio Havana Lo-Fi Pedal: On Paper, It's The Most Perfect Form Of Distortion
February 12, 2008
The Radio Havana pedal from Heavy Electronics does to your tone what the Bolsheviks did to Russia -- it makes everything just a tad crappier, but as a means to an end, comrade, a means to an end! If you're looking for the tone that only a capacitor radio can deliver, the Radio Havana is for you.
By utilizing ceramic capacitors to supply grit, and a distortion circuit that increases interactivity between frequencies, this pedal provides an instant downgrade in tone quality -- but for the good of us all, my friend, the good of us all!
Further variations are achievable by varying the Voltage Starve circuit; it further breaks down your tone by making it wait on interminably long lines -- but just think of the glory of the state and your hunger for equality will be satisfied!
The Radio Havana works just as well for bass and synth as for guitar; heck, you could hook it up to vocals and do your best Jean Dominique impression! They're housed in a rugged steel casing, so they won't collapse [like some governments I'll not mention], and they feature true bypass and Neutrik connectors -- a luxury, friend, to be sure!
So how do you get one? Luckily, these little guys are manufactured by friendly socialists in Minneapolis, so you won't have to beg Tom Morello to sneak one back into the country for you.